Sakamoto Days

Sakamoto Days is a gripping manga that follows the life of Tarou Sakamoto, once the most feared and legendary hitman in the underground world. Renowned for his unmatched skills and cold demeanor, Sakamoto was a figure of terror until he met a woman who changed his life. Choosing love over bloodshed, Sakamoto leaves his deadly profession behind to live a peaceful life as a convenience store clerk. However, his past refuses to let go, and the former assassin quickly realizes that escaping the shadows of his old life is more challenging than he anticipated.

As former rivals and associates resurface, doubting his retirement, Sakamoto is forced to defend himself and his loved ones without returning to his lethal ways. Bound by a promise not to kill, he must rely on his ingenuity and resourcefulness to neutralize threats and protect his family, his store, and the tranquil town he now calls home. The manga masterfully blends action, humor, and heart, showcasing Sakamoto’s journey from a feared hitman to a devoted family man who will stop at nothing to preserve the life he has chosen.